This is a traffic light. Red means stop, yellow means slow down and green means go. If you look close to the green light it is blue. This is a stop sign. It is red and white. Stop whenever you see it.
by Chloe
This is a traffic light. Red means slow down and stop, orange means slow down and green means go. Look at the traffic light.
by Olivia
Red means stop and green means go. The arrows mean you can choose to go left or right. The stop sign means you have to stop.
by Indie
This is a car that almost crashed into our school. That is so important you always need to look at the signs to make sure you are good to go. Always look where you are going on the road.
by Emma
Stop signs are important because they say stop then and you have to listen. You have to watch the road.
by Izma
A stop sign means that you have to stop. I know that a traffic light is for safety.
by Ben J
This sign tells us to stop so we don't crash. This one means a parent has to be with a child to keep them safe.
by Maggie
Me and my mum saw a stop sign. We stop for the car to go past.
by Max
I know that a four arrow sign means that there is a round-about coming up soon. And a stop sign means beware stop! A red light means stop.
by Maddie K
These signs mean that a zebra crossing is coming. It sometimes means there is a school.
by Ahmad
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