Thursday, May 28, 2020

Our Bubbles Becoming One Again

This week Whio created a beautiful bubble artwork. Each child made their own bubble using one of three colour palettes: Autumn, Forest/Sea and Love! 

We joined our bubbles together to represent our bubbles become one again.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Kapa Haka with Matua Willie and Whaea Tania

Today we had our first session of Kapa Haka with Matua Willy and Whaea Tania.
The children and teachers loved their enthusiasm and how much knowledge they both have. Today we learnt a Samoan song called Pusi Nofo. This fitted in perfectly with New Zealannd's Samoan Language Week which is this week! We are already looking forward to next Monday's Kapa Haka session.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


We know how important it is to take brain breaks regularly. We have been taking time in our day to practise mindfulness - this week we have been participating in yoga after morning tea. 
The children have been amazing during this time and it starts the block off with calm and engaged children - the children and the teachers love it!

Today we used our Maths Eyes to look at strawberries!

Today for maths we used our maths eyes to check out this cool photo of a lifecycle of a strawberry. We noticed so many things!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Welcome back to school!

We had a super fun first day back at school! It was wonderful to see the children so excited to see their friends and do lots of ACTIVE play.