Friday, March 20, 2020

Open Door Friday

Open door Friday is one of our favourite times of the week. This is when we open the door between Whio and Ti Kouka and the children can play in both ends of the learning centre. It's great to see the children interacting with their friends from other T groups.

Today this children were:

Creating in the wet room, making cards for family members and teachers, carpentry, giving the dolls a bath, making loom bands, making spinners with lego, building with magnets, making marble runs, playing in the sandpit and on the playgrounds, scootering, skipping, dancing, colouring and making forts (just to name a few)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

We love Yoga

In Whio the children love yoga, it is a great way to move our bodies and also for some mindfulness.

Cosmic yoga is one of our favourites.

Check out some photos of us:

Monday, March 16, 2020

Our Quarry Trip

Today all of the children in Huritini visited the quarry to link in with our inquiry learning about 'Turangawaewae' and 'Kaitiakitanga'

We had a lovely walk down to the quarry, where we videoed the children chanting our 'Huritini Haka',

After that we walked down to the far end of the quarry - the children were looking for autumn changes in the quarry with their parent helpers. We then had lunch under the trees and a play. At 1 o'clock we met with the park ranger who spoke with us about looking after the quarry/ being kaitiaki and the history of the quarry.

We were so lucky with the weather and the children had a great day. A big thank you to all our parent helpers who made the day possible.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday Sports Carnival

Today we had a wonderful morning taking part in the sports carnival organised by
Miss Fraser and run by the PAL leaders. It was great to see our children working
so well with children from other studios! You can see from the photos below
that we all loved the activities.

This is Whio Studio in all our colourful clothes ready to begin.

For 90 minutes we did a variety of the following activities-

Tug of war, Body shapes and poi relay , Relays - leapfrog, three legged,
roll and grab, Target shooting, Catch the leader with the flag and musical hoops,
Cone Crabs, Egg/spoon race, pool noodle with ball, hoop pass, Rob the nest,
Under and over, adding in hoops and Vortex and gumboot throw.