Friday, April 24, 2020

Reading a recipe- making playdough

This week as one of our reading activities at home we followed a recipe to make playdough. It was lots of fun!

Fun day Friday Knock knock jokes!

Today as part of our 'Fun Day Friday' programme T11 shared 'knock knock' jokes. We thought we would share some with you so you could have a giggle too! 

Knock, knock. (Claudia)
Who’s there?
Ketchup with me and I’ll tell you.

Knock, knock. (Laura)
Who’s there?
Europe poo!

Knock, knock. (Isobel)
Who’s there?
Boo who?
Don’t cry it’s only a joke.

Knock, knock. (Layla)
Who’s there?
Hatch who? Bless you!

Knock, knock. (Cartier)
Who’s there?
Mikey who?
Mikey won’t fit in the lock!

Knock, knock. (Neve)
Who’s there?
Oink oink.
Oink oink who?
Make up your mind! Are you a pig or an owl?

 Knock, knock. (Ryan)
Who’s there?
Luke who?
Luke through the keyhole and find out!

Knock, knock. (Cecilia and Indie) 
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce come in it’s cold outside!

Knock, knock. (Zach)
Who’s there?
Olive who?
Olive you too!

Knock, knock. (Bjorn and Indie)
Who’s there?
Bare who?
Bare bum!

Knock, knock. (Dawn)

Who’s there?
Wa who?
What are you so excited about? 

Fun with Symmetry

Thursday, April 23, 2020

T10 loves autumn!

T11 found patterns all around us!

This week as part of our home learning T11 had to find some repeating patterns around their home. Once they found them they took some photos and described what they could see. They then drew the pattern, continuing it on. The children did a great job! It was really interesting to see all the different patterns around their homes.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Autumn Treasures by T12

Creative ideas from our bubbles

T10 have been sharing some of cool creative ideas and play activities from their bubbles.  You might like to try some of them:

Making bird feeders:

Ice cube / food colouring artworks:

Autumn tree painting:

Chalk art:

Making robots:

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Holiday Fun

We have been excited to receive lots of great photos from the Whio children having fun and keeping safe at home in their bubbles.