Thursday, November 5, 2020

Whio's Spencer Park Trip

 On Monday Whio spent an amazing day at Spencer Park. After a 40 minute bus ride the children were all very ready to explore and have fun! We started with a quick snack for morning tea.

Our day was split into two halves. One half was spent exploring and building huts in the forest. This was so much fun and the children created some awesome spaces! 

The second half of the day was spent doing a beach activity with our CCC educator, Pete. 

Pete taught us about beach zones (sand dunes, beach, and the ocean) and the animals that live in each one. 

We also learnt about man made and natural objects. We had to do a scavenger hunt and find as many of each as we could. The children soon realised that man made objects should not stay on the beach!

Pete also talked with us about how bad plastic is on the beach and how harmful it can be to the sea creatures. The children wrote a message in the sand about taking care of the beach.

The bus ride home was a lot quieter and we even had a few children fall asleep! 

We need to say a huge thank you to all the wonderful parent helpers who spent the day with us- you were awesome and we couldn't have done it without you!

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