Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Science in Whio

This week Whio are thinking like scientists, using their questioning and exploring muscles to investigate more about the living world and how to be kaitiaki. 

T10 wrote some wonderings they have after the beach trip:

I wonder if katipo spiders bite if they're scared or if it's on purpose (Indie T, Charlise).

I wonder what sea tulips look like (Indie T, Charlise).

I wonder if jellyfish change colours (Indie T).

I wonder if dolphins can see under water and breath under water (Lexi).

I wonder if little crabs pinch you. I wonder if starfish move (Max).

I wonder if whio ducks go in the forest (Ben P)

I wonder how many bugs are on the beach (Maggie).

I wonder where the flowers grow, on the beach or on the sand dunes (Yeji).

I wonder if sea turtles can breathe on land (Emma).

I wonder if the starfish can eat some sand and like a magnet (Chizuru).

I wonder if crabs can live in sand dunes (Ahmad).

I wonder if natural is around not only on beaches (home, school, playground); I wonder why seals bite (scared, angry or being protective); I wonder if there are over 100 creatures that live in sand dunes, beach, ocean (Maddie K)

T10 investigated 'How Green is Your School Backyard?' They found that we have some leaf litter and other homes for mini-beasts in the school, we have some trees that birds like to feed on and make nests in.

T11 & T12 looked around the school grounds to see what natural and manmade things they could find, just like we did at Spencer Park Beach. Check out what they found:

Now the Whio children are all thinking about what they can do in our school environment to be kaitiaki and to create some natural habitats for the birds and the bugs. We wonder what they will come up with?!

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