Today at Maths time the awesome learners / ākonga in Whio were measuring things around the studio, using our blocks and metre rulers to compare objects that were longer/shorter/the same length. There was a lot of estimating, measuring, collaborating and hands-on fun!
Welcome to Whio 2020. We are a Year 1 and 2 studio made up of three T groups. On this blog we will share our learning each week. We would love for you to be a part of our learning journey.
Monday, November 30, 2020
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Huritni Assembly
We were so proud of the children on Friday. The presenters were awesome, they were so confident and spoke very clearly.
Here are the Whio children singing and signing the song:
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Library time
The Whio children love going to the library.
It is always great to see so many books being issued, the children are really thinking about the types of books they want to read and it's great to see so many of them picking chapter book to take home.
This week was our last chance to issue books as Mr MaCallum will be collecting all books for an end of year stocktake, so from next week the children need to make sure they are bringing back all of the books they have at home.
Summer reading slips will be available from the library next week - this is for children who would like to take up to 12 books home for over the summer break. They will need to bring the slip back to school signed by a parent.
2020 Music Assembly
On Monday morning the whole school was invited to our annual music assembly. This is a chance for music teachers to share what is available at our school and for some of our music groups to perform.
It was a great morning and it was so cool to see some of our Huritini friends on the ukelele. Mr Naysmith will be hosting an information evening on Wednesday 25th of November for more information.
We are so proud of our ukelele players:
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Whio ducks are special because.....
The children in Whio were a little disappointed this week to see that the Whio duck had not won the Forest and Bird "Bird of the Year' competition this year. We decided to do some writing to convince people about why Whio ducks are so special!
Please have a read....